Hi Passioners!

Are You Ready to Make a
Sustainable Impact Together?

PAI X Kampus Merdeka

Welcome! The PASSION (PAI Sustainable Squad in Action) Program is a Kampus Merdeka internship program for 6 months in collaboration between Pandawa Agri Indonesia and the Faculty of Agrotechnology, Jember University. This program aims to equip students with the competencies and experiences needed to develop their potential for careers in the future.


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The Perks of Join This Internship Program

Through this Magang Kampus Merdeka program, students will get several benefits that will be a provision when they work in the future.

Choose Your Passion!

If you are interested or have the same passion with us, please check this out!


Research and Development Internship (Kampus Merdeka)

Research & Development

You will join the Innovation Team as a PAIoneers. Here you will learn how to conduct surveys, collect data, maintain experimental sites and contribute to other research projects.

Business Assurance

Business & Sustainability

Assisting on summarize and analyze data from business operating activities as the basic assumptions of company policies to achieve more green and sustainable business

Sustainability Assurance

Business & Sustainability

Conducting field research regarding R&D pipeline strategy, evaluating & analyzing the result, and writing a publication resulted from a field experiment

Creative Strategist

Creative Strategist

Making content on PAl’s blog, Instagram, and Linkedin daily and backup content. Evaluating & analyzing the result and making a monthly report to the team.


What interns mostly ask about

Occasionally. We open to interns depend on the needs of PAI and our partnership. Currently, we are still limited only to the student of Jember University. You can check further info in Glints of Pandawa Agri Indonesia.

Selected candidates will receive an interview invitation. We will announce the result in 3-7 workdays or sooner for the final result.

Six months. Currently, we focus on the Kampus Merdeka program partnership with Jember University. The program can take 1 – 2 semesters, but the second semester usually for those who want to research their thesis.

It depends. But, absolutely you will get free lunch and full accommodation for PAI operational activity. We will give rewards and other benefits for those who have contributed and impactful to others in the PAI way.

Various works that you can check on Glints of Pandawa Agri Indonesia. Interns can work on a variety of projects to help advance PAI’s mission and vice versa. Interns also can work base on what they propose at the beginning to help achieve their internship program as far as PAI can provide it. The recruitment process aims to match intern candidates with teams and projects.

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